For someone with the opposite of a green thumb, I sure do love flowers! I’m not great at planting flowers and keeping them alive, but I do love creating a good floral display. I’ve been seeing lots of floral projects lately and thought it was time to try an alternate way of displaying… behold, a floral chandelier. I was lucky enough to have my very talented mom create one for my engagement party and recreated one for my Nana’s 90th birthday a few weeks back. What I learned… it is surprisingly easy, and yes, I know that sounds crazy!
get started
Get started by picking your favorite flowers in an array of colors. The only wrong choice here is not picking enough! Usually I would agree, less is more but in this case, more is more! Once you have your selection, be sure to keep them in a temperature appropriate environment {35 to 45 degrees is ideal} during the preparation process so they don’t wilt on you. Keep in mind every flower is different but providing a cool area will slow the growth process of fresh cut flowers; thus making your flowers last long enough to make it into that chandelier and on display.
the skeleton
Next, find what will be the skeleton of your chandelier. For my chandelier, we used an old frame, popped out the picture and spray painted it in a color we loved… GOLD (what else?!) Then, take chicken wire and staple gun it to the back of the frame. Make sure you pull this tight and your staples are sturdy. This is what will hold your chandelier in place. Next, screw eyehooks into the four corners and with wire, firmly hook them at the top to a key ring.
lift + stick
Now, the fun part begins! Rig your chandelier up so you can see how it looks from underneath. There is no correct way to place your flowers, simply trial and error, based on your taste! You’ll stick your flowers up through the bottom and lock them in by sticking them into the clear acrylic floral tubes. {TIP: be sure you fill these with water leaving no bubbles and a tight lid!}
Be sure to hang your flowers at all different heights. Continue to check from underneath as you go so you can see the arrangement from the view of your guests. You can create whatever pattern with your flowers you want, have fun with it. When you are done you will have a great centerpiece that will leave your guests talking!
Contributed by estCA staff, Megan Araujo